Voice your opinion about the care provided and to recommend changes in policies and services by contacting your health care provider. |
Be provided with information about the organization and its services. |
Participate in decisions about your health care and treatment plan. |
Be treated with respect and dignity. |
Receive from your health care provider complete information about your diagnosis and proposed procedure or treatment alternative, including non-treatment, in order to give informed consent. |
Refuse any procedure or treatment if you so desire and to the extent permitted by law, be told what effect this may have on your health. |
Receive full consideration of privacy or confidentiality with regard to all information and records about your care. |
Know the cost (copayment,deductible, coinsurance) of care and treatment and receive an explanation of your financial obligation when required. |
Have 24-hours access to your health care provider or covering physicians. |
Be informed of the names, specialties and qualification of the physicians. |
Be informed of the grievance procedure. |
Receive prompt and reasonable responses to questions and requests. |